So ya’ll have probably already heard but I just haven’t gotten the pleasure of announcing it myself yet.. WE ARRIVED AT OUR NEW STUDIO! YES, we have an address! A legit one.. where MAIL even gets delivered to! We are just so freaking excited to get our clients in and see what we did to the place! We made our matching white desks ALL FROM SCRATCH. Oh! We’ve also got mustard chevron pillows for our sweet sea-glass blue accent chairs. I know, you’re jealous.
Aside from all the chaos of moving furniture every which way to see what “makes sense”, I had a shoot to prepare for! My favorite kind of shoot there is.. an adorable little child! Children are my FAV (if you haven’t already noticed.) I totally go into SUPER SONIC AWESOME POSSUM CRAZY STUPID SPUNKTACULAR mode around kids. Of course I crash directly after, BUT it’s totally worth it when you get to capture there little toothy smiles and them running around chasing balloons! It’s just the delight to my evening, and I adore them(:
I knew little Aaliyah was going to melt my heart from the moment she walked in to my studio. A DOLL if i’ve ever seen one!
She had her pink balloons close and her Hello Kitty closer.
I grabbed my Tulle and my miniature pink ladder and we were off! Off to literally right down the street walking distance.. because did i mention? We have a studio.. smack-dab in the middle of Old-Town! Talk about connivence!
The weather was prefect. The Sun was being my friend.. in the middle of July. That never happens. Little A. warmed up to me in SECONDS. I didn’t have to ask much of her, she made all of her own poses including one of my favorite “I’m 2” photos ever captured!
Me and mom giggled our way through the entire shoot. The little quirks of this girl had me believing being 2 was just the best thing in the world!
I didn’t want this shoot to end. Not ever!