A Pink, Purple & Lime Wedding at The Round Barn

I have to be honest. Neither Ashley nor I had ever shot at the Round Barn in Derby, KS before and to be honest, we both work best with the unknown.

There’s something so exciting about not knowing what’s going to happen or what you’re going to catch. That’s exactly what happened.

We got some amazing memories frozen for Nikki & Josh. Their wedding will always be one that we will be proud of. Nikki was so relaxed with the most ‘zenned-out’ attitude we’ve ever experienced with a bride. She was so happy she was getting married. Nothing could bring her down. Even with the slight mix-ups and unexpected events that can happen with weddings that did happen on their day, it didn’t dampen their spirits.

They were with so many people they loved and it was inspiring to see everyone ban together and take on everything that came their way and still celebrated such a beautiful union.

Congratulations Nikki + Josh. Ashley and I are so happy for you and are stoked for you to receive your finalized photos!

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