OH THE JOY! Weddings are Bee and I’s absolute favorite and we had been counting down the days for this specific wedding for over a YEAR! I’ve known this couple for quite some time now and they are just the nicest people you’ll ever meet. They had their beautiful “woodsy” wedding outdoors and the wind died down just as the ceremony began! Goodness, Jamie just dazzled in the sunlight! She was simply beautiful and Jon was absolutely ready to marry her that VERY SECOND!
The cake and the bouquets even matched! Everything was unique and rustic, and the reception room was set up so charming. (:
If you haven’t chosen a venue for your own wedding yet, I highly recommend Cow Town in Wichita! Multiple Locations for us photographers to choose from, intimate ceremony space, and an amazing reception room! Check it out sometime if you’re still on the hunt!
Thanks you guys for checking out our work!